Created and signed by renowned and award-winning American wood carver and artist, Jack Portice, of Como, Colorado; the striking image of an Indigenous man as he voices his last words of warning to his people in the face of pain, pointing to an unseen enemy; it is not until you see the back of the sculpture that you notice an arrow had found its mark! Jack's attention to detail perfection and his extraordinary ability to bring his subjects alive is recognized by his fellow carvers and the National Carvers Museum Foundation; Jack's standard Mountain Man Gallery copper stamp attached to the rear of the base
This piece took the Blue Ribbon at a National Woodcarvers' event in March 1989 and is accompanied by a framed publication section of the Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume, volume 110, No.13 of March 31, 1989 which carried a photograph of the winning "Attack", a write up of the event and Jack's accomplishments with an insider piece "Como artist continues winning", value for Insurance $2000.00 - height 41.3cm (16 1/4in), extreme width 38.1cm (15in)