Large multi-coloured woven tapestry, titled "Dancing Dancing, Smiling Smiling", produced in 1986, 2.1 x 2.05m (83 x 81in); sewed in the tapestry reads "And how did you find out the truth? I did not. I only stopped hearing lies."; Exhibited: London Regional Art and Historical Museums, "Weaving MaTters" show, September 21 - November 24, 1991, exhibition catalogue from the show included with this lot (this work pictured inside); Provenance: acquired directly from the artist for $7200.00; this and the following lot are from the same private London collection; Sasha McInnes, Canadian, 1947-2021; born in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, she grew up in Lima, Peru where she studied tapestry weaving and design; McInnes moved to Vancouver in 1973, and eventually London, Ontario in 1975; in London, she opened a weaving studio and also became an activist for improving the lives of women in the arts; Mcinnes opened one of the first women's art galleries in Canada, Womanspirit Art Gallery and Resource Center, and also received an award from the City of London for her contributions to the arts; she lived a remarkable life, and her stunning technique and use of colour can be seen in this and the following work