The Mersey Tunnel published by the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee of 1951/52 detailing the history, travel regulations, tolls, etc. with photos of the times; the Geographical Magazine, October 1955, articles on St. Petersburg, Climbing the Pyrenees, Hokkaido, Seals, Holiday Travel, filled with photos, front cover some water staining but internal pages undamaged; the Dutch Windmill 1962 by Frederick Stokhuyzen with photos; TRUDEAU – A Man for Tomorrow 1968 by Douglas Stuebing with John Marshall and Gary Oakes, paperback with photos; What is Stonehenge? 1975, A Guide for Young People, published by H.M.S.O.; The Life of Josiah Henson – Formerly a Slave – Now an inhabitant of Canada As Narrated by Himself, 1984 reprint of 1965 re-publish of original publication in 1849 by Arthur D. Phelps at Boston, Mass; From 70 North to 70 South,A History of the Christian Salvesen Fleet, by Graeme Somner, 1984, replete with accounts and photos of the vessels; The Story of Christian Salvesen 1846 – 1996, and Founder Salve Fredrik Salvesen 1827-1911, by Nigel Watson; Bits and Pieces, Vol.T/No.6C 1998 – The magazine that motivates the world; Newsweek Extra Addition, 2001, America under Attack; Macleans magazine, Special Edition, President Obama, Nov 17, 2008; British ATV Television STAR Book replete with color and black/white portraits of the contemporary TV show stars including pop stars, Bonanza cast, The Saint, Shirley Bassey, Danger Man, Clint Eastwood in Rawhide, Billy Fury, and more, in very good condition with slight cover edge wear; ELVIS, A Tribute to Elvis, King of Rock, by W.A. Harbinson, including a special picture selection with several rare images for this memorial edition, published by Grosset and Dunlap, New York, 1976, in very good condition showing some cover wear; A Pictorial History of Cripple Creek by Leiland Feitz, 1990, containing 100 RARE photos, accompanied by contemporary information leaflet and authentic Gold Mine Tour program; Cripple Creek was the world’s greatest gold camp after the first discovery in 1890 and reached its zenith of prosperity around the turn of the century - in excellent condition; The Old West, THE CANADIANS, by the Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS with text by Ogden Tanner, 1977, a stunning pictorial walk through 1800's history with extensive commentary and including many rare early photographs and historic images, presented in brown cover with highly embossed front around coloured image of men paddling a large canoe through rapids, and gold imprinting on spine - in excellent condition; The Official Souvenir Program, XV Olympic Winter Games, in mint condition; OVER CANADA, An Aerial Adventure, by Russ Heinl, Rosemary Neering, and Bruce Obee, stunning pictorial record and commentary across Canada: (A) An Aerial Adventure – Revealing Canada’s Essence, (B) Atlantic Canada – A Coastal World of Contrasts, (C) St Lawrence/Great Lakes – A Waterway Through History, (D) The Canadian Shield – Our Quintessential Wilderness, (E) The Prairies – Our Cultivated Heartland, (F) The North – Canada’s Other Half, (G) The West – Crossing The Great Divide, near pristine condition