A selection of posters of movie and various events, locations, other subjects, many rare to find, including: Calgary Stampede 1998; 75th Anniversary, James Bond – Quantum of Solace; Okanagan Geopictorial Map designed by Jean-Louis Rheault, very attractive, colorful and detailed illustration of the Okanagan Valley; 2003 Qatar; 1996, Shipwreck Map of Bermuda compiled and painted by world renowned diver and treasure hunter, Teddy Tucker, showing sites of 38 ships and full index of their circumstances; Olympia and York Enterprise Stampede Roundup 1999, Calgary, with head shot of Clint Eastwood as The Outlaw Josey Wales; vintage picture of the Esso Siberian tiger scurrying across a snow landscape; near vintage, commemorative picture of a lying tiger titled “The Cat's Whiskers" produced to celebrate Esso’s Ninety Years of Achievements; near vintage, BRUM, Siberian tiger, by Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society, 1977; near vintage, face of a tiger with caption "It's hard to be humble when you're as good as I am" printed by ARGUS Communications, Illinois, 1978; giant snarling Bengal tiger face; BC is Bear Country – Are you Bear Aware?, issued by B.C. Conservation Foundation; MENA Economic Summit Exhibition, Doha, Qatar, 1997, Qatar map showing roads, towns, infrastructure and points of interest, 1996 issued by Ministry of Information and Culture - found rolled, unframed, various sizes